What To Do If You Can't Access You Home
If you can’t access your home, please follow the guidelines below depending on the circumstances:
Lost or Mislaid Keys
If you can wait for access during our working hours – Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm, we can meet you at your property free of charge. Please call our office on
0131 554 6050
If you require someone to give you urgent access outside these working hours, there will be a charge as this will need to be done by a locksmith:
- Lockstar Lock and Key Company – 07900 225039 or 0131 258 0909 – from 8pm the minimum call-out charge is £108
Broken locks
All broken locks will require a visit from a locksmith. To arrange this, please contact our office directly on 0131 554 6050 Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm or report the problem via our online maintenance request form:
If you require urgent access outside these working hours, please contact our emergency locksmith:
- Lockstar Lock and Key Company – 07900 225039 or 0131 258 0909 – from 8pm the minimum call-out charge is £108.
IMPORTANT: Landlords are responsible for repairs to locks unless the damage is deemed to be caused by the tenant through negligence or vandalism.